CIDOC is one of the 30 International committees of ICOM. It is CIDOC rather than ICDOC because the committee was at its inception guided by mostly Francophones (French speakers) who named it the Comité International pour la Documentation. As the world has become more Anglophone (English speaking) the lingua franca of the committee has become English, and the de facto name of the committee has become the International Committee for Documentation.
This site is the repository of the files generated by CIDOC. All the files are closed: that is that no edits will be performed on them and they can be regarded as complete and referenceable. This does not mean that they are all final versions of work, some are draft versions that have been or will be further developed. The intent is to allow community access to these previous draft versions.
Current working copies of documents that are being actively updated are maintained in a separate Document Management System that provides check-out/check-in facilities to avoid parallel editing problems.
Have fun!